Friday, May 15, 2020

Helping Children to Know the Importance of Family Essays

It is essential to integrate the importance of family into my child. He needs to know that friends will come and go, but family is the one constant he will have in his life. As a parent, I believe that is my job to foster the bond between siblings, as well as parent and child. I use many ways to help my child realize that family is very important. This understanding will remain with him as he grows up, marry, and embark on parenthood himself. My first method is very simple and very effective too. I focus each and every day in the importance of eating our meals together, around the table, not in front of the television watching sports. While we are sitting there as a family, I take the opportunity to ask my son many questions about†¦show more content†¦I know that today days, it may be really hard for the whole family to go out together. Either because one family member is working or because the economy is no as good as it used to be. But there are ways of bonding as a family without having to spend a lot of money, or even no money at all. For example, I love to go to the nearest park with my son and husband in a Sunday morning. He definitely love it, we don’t spend any money and enjoy the beautiful nature outside. This is an amazing way to commune with each other and our surroundings. We live in such a frenetic, hectic, world where were constantly being bombarded with media from all directions. The solitude and peacefulness of nature fosters family togetherness and makes memories that will bolster my son’s sense of self and confidence throughout his lives. Another one of my favorite family-building activities is going on vacation together. Because I’m a full time student, part time worker and my kid is young, its easier to go on a bunch of shorter, closer vacations throughout the year than one or two big distant vacations. I know this will change as he grows older but for now, I love heading out on little mini-adventures once or tw ice a month with my whole family, including my husband’s grandmother. We enjoy visiting the zoo, the beach, museums, historic sites, and parks. Going on a country drive or a bus ride through the city is anotherShow MoreRelatedParent And Community Relationships : Parent Community Involvement806 Words   |  4 PagesSchools, families and communities must work together to support all students in a learning environment to ensure every student is a successful learner. Positive family and school involvement fosters a partnership among all schools encouraging students to reach their highest potential academically and in life. Parent and community involvement does not just mean stay-at-home mothers coming to school to help as needed, or a businessman stopping by to see events occurring on campus. 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